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Writer's pictureAvani Dilger, LPC, CACIII

Welcome to our 12. Day of the Natural Highs Academy!

Our Natural Highs Team is working hard to create tools for inspiration for all of us during these times. 

Attached is our newest Natural Highs Card Deck for you - the Human Needs Card Deck. YEAH!!!!!

The deck was inspired by Marshall Rosenberg's work around conflict resolution called "Nonviolent Communication". His idea was that so many of our human conflicts come from a misunderstanding of each other's needs. Tess Eckert, one of our Natural Highs mentors had the fabulous idea to help families and people during this quarantine time to get more curious about their human needs by creating this Human Needs Card Deck. 

Feel free to check out Marshall Rosenberg's work and how we can solve conflicts by learning to hear the needs underneath:

The Human Needs Cards Deck consists of 112 Cards with natural human needs inspired by Marshall Rosenberg’s list of needs. There are also free cards where you can add your ideas for needs. Often our judgments and reactions to events, people, and emotions are results of unmet or unacknowledged needs. If we can learn how to identify what our needs are, we can come into more understanding and relationship with our emotions and reactions, and learn how to more effectively communicate with ourselves and others from a place of compassion and getting our needs met, rather than being continuously confused and frustrated.  

TODAY'S ACTIVITIES: - Print and Cut out the attached Human Needs Card Deck and the instructions that come with it. - Feel free to use the Human Needs Cards for your own personal exploration or for any of the suggestions in how to use them in your family or with friends. - Feel free to invent your own way of using them and let us know what ideas you came up with: - Let us know about your ideas for using this time for creative exploration with journaling, art work, or any new activity. Share your ideas with us and we will send them out to inspire others.

Also, feel free to check out the Natural Highs Google CALENDAR with daily Natural Highs activities for TEENS: If you have joined the Natural Highs Academy after March 30, you can find all the previous exercises and worksheets that you might have missed on:  & Materials

Feel free to share any of these resources with anyone - teen or adult - who you think might benefit from daily inspiration and structure during these times. I so look forward to have you be part of the Natural High Want more Natural Highs Resources? Now, everything in the Natural Highs Store is available for FREE with the Coupon: "coronarelief": Community. We can support each other to make the best of these times Stay strong & inspired ❤️ Avani

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