So, you've decided to start your own business. Job Function Email List What are your motivations for doing so? Perhaps you have an innovative product or service that you think might be the Job Function Email List "next big thing" that takes the world market by storm. Or maybe you're so tired of being an employee - you hate your boss, can't stand your colleagues, don't believe in your Job Function Email List company's goals - you think it's time to leap into entrepreneurship. Job Function Email List Or perhaps you've been laid off and feel that not being able to find a job in this economy is Job Function Email List forcing you to start a business.
Whatever your motivation may be, you now work for yourself. Yet Job Function Email List starting a business is the easy part. In America, the Small Job Function Email List Business Administration states that an estimated 627,200 businesses were formed while 595,600 businesses ceased during the Job Function Email List same period. Rather grim statistics, you might think. The question is: what can you do to ensure that your business is amongst the ones that survive and thrive? These Job Function Email List are the 5 most common mistakes that business owners make, and what you can do to avoid them.
Expecting Quick Success It's easy Job Function Email List to be attracted to the idea that we should be successful if we've invested some time, money and energy into a business. For example, placing one advertisement for a workshop and expecting many people to sign Job Function Email List up. Or investing all your savings in setting up the business, and thinking you deserve some clients as a result. When quick success doesn't happen, self-doubt arises, taking a stab at much-needed confidence, and causing you to lose faith and patience in your business.