He wants power back in the individual and is working on 'pods'. These are like Mobile Phone Number vaults in which you store your own data and give companies permission to access some of that data (source: The New York Times). In the Netherlands there are also well-known champions of a freer internet, such asMobile Phone Number Marleen Stikker (director of Waag and author of the book The Internet is broken) and José van Dijck (professor at Mobile Phone Number Utrecht University). Van Dijck tells De Groene Amsterdammer that she now sees the problem of the power of social networks in the war between Russia and Ukraine: These companies are given the task of moderating Mobile Phone Number an information war. Do we allow.
Russia Today to spread disinformation, do we keep certain sites online? Mobile Phone Number Those are gigantic responsibilities, which in the past were borne by states and democracies. Is Web3 the Answer? Mobile Phone Number Web3 would be the solution to the current problems. The biggest change in Web3 is the architecture (it runs Mobile Phone Number on blockchains), writes Jan Mobile Phone Number Scheele on Frankwatching. “From a handful of central parties that dominate to Mobile Phone Number a decentralized environment where everyone regains control over their own data and is rewarded fairly for Mobile Phone Number their contribution to the web.” But there is criticism of Web3. Web 2.0.
Was also supposed to become a lot more democratic, but has not (or Mobile Phone Number barely) lived up to that. Why would that work with Web3? Jack Dorsey tweets skeptically that the people trying to market Web3 were also getting filthy rich from Web 2.0.Ernst-Jan Pfauth, meanwhile, has doubts in the NRC: “Mobile Phone Number Moreover, there are many libertarians among them, who hope that Web3 will decentralize everything so that we no longer need governments. Not to mention Mobile Phone Number the environmental impact of some blockchains.” José van.